제32회 재무금융 공동학술대회

2024. 5. 31. Fri. THE PLAZA Hotel Seoul


홈  ·  2024 대회 소개  ·  발표논문
번호 제목 작성일 조회
62 [2021] 제8분과-투자론 II 8-1 (코로나19 위기 시 주식형 펀드의 성과와 현금흐름) 2021.05.19 162
61 [2021] 제7분과-기업재무 Ⅳ 7-4 (Ethical Implication of Firms’ Financial Reporting Choices in the P… 2021.05.19 118
60 [2021] 제7분과-기업재무 Ⅳ 7-3 (Employment Protection, Financial Uncertainty, and Corporate Investme… 2021.05.19 125
59 [2021] 제7분과-기업재무 Ⅳ 7-2 (Internal Capital Markets and R&D Investment : Evidence from Korean C… 2021.05.19 125
58 [2021] 제7분과-기업재무 Ⅳ 7-1 (Internal Labor Markets and Corporate Innovation : Evidence from Kore… 2021.05.19 130
57 [2021] 제6분과-기업재무 Ⅲ 6-3 (Does Climate Risk Influence Analyst Forecast Accuracy?) 2021.05.19 140
56 [2021] 제6분과-기업재무Ⅲ​ 6-2 (Does General Solicitation Improve Access to Capital for Small Busi… 2021.05.18 121
55 [2021] 제6분과-기업재무 Ⅲ 6-1 (Average Cash-Savings Rates in Equity Issues : Is Cash a Side Show?) 2021.05.18 130
54 [2021] 제5분과-박사과정 I 5-4 (​Distress Resolution Through New Block Formation: Implication for O… 2021.05.18 125
53 [2021] 제5분과-박사과정 I 5-3 (​Intellectual Property Rights and Employee Stock Option Compensation… 2021.05.18 132
52 [2021] 제5분과-박사과정 I 5-2 (Managerial Ability and Labor Productivity: A Case in Korea) 2021.05.18 154
51 [2021] 제5분과-박사과정 I 5-1 (Political Risk, Financial Constraint, and Managerial Risk Preferences:… 2021.05.18 123
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